August 5, 2012

2012-07-30 Cleveland OH

While in Cleveland we stayed at the Streetsboro KOA
about 40 minutes from downtown

This Airstream caught our eye
It would be perfect for the weekend get away Right Steve Jr?

They had a nice swimming lake and a seperate one for fishing
All the cabins were in use
Interesting that most of the Ohio RV parks we have stayed in
are mostly filled with permanent or seasonal sites
On one of our evening walks I had to stop and pretend my girls
Isabelle and Maddie were here to play with me 
Miss you girls!!
We did make it to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
You can see we were both very honored but
we never did find our plaques

 Next door was the USS Cod museum
It is the only surviving WWII submarine that has not
been modified for easy access
To view the museum you enter just as the crew did
Down very small hatches and ladders and narrow corridors
 Ms Susy picked out the most colorful guitar we saw to have her picture taken
 We did see one unexpected sight
As we were leaving Cleveland on the Ohio Turnpike (I-80)
We left the campground at noon and within a few minutes of entering the turnpike
we heard what sounded like a 12 gauge shotgun going off under the truck hood
Thankfully I discovered it was only the turbo discharge hose
We called Good Sams Emergency Road Service
We have sure gotten our money's worth out of that plan
It did take 3 hrs for the wrecker and escort to show up
By that time rush hour traffic was in full swing
Good Sams had us towed to a Cummings dealer
Go figure, they did not have the hose or clamps
So while still hitched to the wrecker I called Good Sams
They apologized and had us towed to the nearest Ford dealer
Parts and service closed at 6pm
We arrived at 5:58pm so I bought the parts and installed them myself
We drove about 1.5 hours to Milan and parked before dark
The next day we toured Toledo and Port Clinton

It was a nice relaxing drive along Lake Erie
Although Missouri has a couple of Nuclear generating stations
I have never been this close to one

Tomorrow we head toward Sunny's Campground in Wauseon OH
and then on to Elkhart IN before meeting up with Ron & Lois in Climax MI
Cya Soon